S.T.E.M: BRIDGES, Roller Coasters, Boats and more… P.M.

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math activities)


Session:    I & II

Grades:     2nd – 6th Grade

Cost:          Session I $200.00 (3 weeks M-Th) and Session II $180.00 (2 weeks M-Th)


Do you want to build, engineer, and discover science by engaging in a variety of hands-on activities? If so, this S.T.E.M. camp is the fit for you.  We will work on a variety of activities: construct bridges, rollercoasters and boats! We will grow crystals, create magnetic slime, create a circuit, protect an egg from a fall, create a solar oven and discover how water moves through plants!   Be prepared for some brainstorming and team collaboration as we explore the world of physics and chemistry at its best!  Matt Foster is a 5th grade teacher from the Tempe Elementary School District and is the 2022 Excellence Award winner from his school that year!